Thursday, June 26, 2008

UCSD Weather Station

Jan, a research scientist at UCSD, shows us the weather station on the roof of the RIMAC Center to collect information such as air temp, wind speed and direction, rain, and surface IR. The data collected across campus is used to make campus wide energy evaluations for decision making.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Condor Radio Telemetry

Scientists use radio telemetry to locate condors in the wild. Robin (not in picture) had us locate "condors" using this tool. Here is one of our ITEST teachers using the tool.

Conservation Education Lab at CRES

Robin gave us the California Condor presentation she uses for school groups. Since there is no sexual dimorphism in condors, we are learning to pair chromosomes for determining the sex of condors.

Mountain Yellow Legged Frogs

I'm with the ITEST group at CRES, part of the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Robin (educator with CRES) is taking us on a tour of the research facility. These frogs are endangered species here, in California.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm at UCSD this week for a workshop in environmental sensors. This is the view from the 5th floor of one of the engineering buildings. Library in the distance.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

LabQuest Orientation

LabQuest sensors collecting temperature data from ice water. This summer, I'll be exploring the use of environmental sensors as a classroom tool.