Saturday, January 17, 2009

IT-E3 Birding

Birding this afternoon with Jim Peugh and our IT-E3 group. Today's visitors include snow egrets, yellow leggeds, willets, coots, pin tails, and herons.

IT-E3 at Famosa Slough

Today, my IT-E3 group is visiting Famosa Slough to explore environmental sensing. David Kimball and Jim Peugh of Friends of Famosa Slough, are guiding us in sensing, ecology, and birding.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Famosa Slough Work Party

A group of students, current and past, are pulling weeds, planting, and restoring our community wetland, Famosa Slough. Its agreat excuse to get dirty, enjoy the outdoors, and earn science extra credit!